After a small group discussion this past week over what direction we are heading, I was given some helpful suggestions. I was told that I am finding commonalities between dance and architecture in each direction I turn. Whether that be in the comparison of different styles of dance to ways of designing, dance - architect powerhouse duos, how the human body perceives space when dancing, or how our body positively or negatively interacts with furniture. Each bring up the idea of a fixed thing in space. There are so many thoughts in my head of where I can take this, but for now, I leave you with this question.
Oh my god Emily I love this question you've posed. I don't know!!!!!!!! I feel like the movement of the body should be a huge influence for how we design circulation and THRESHHOLD! Can you imaging traversing a building, and feeling as though you are dancing through space simply as a consequence of the architectural form? Oh wow, that would be magical. Design that, please :) I bet you could - Maya
I love this question! When you refer to movement would you be specifically looking at a dancer's movements or the average person's movements? I am curious since it seems you are wanting to incorporate dance somehow into your capstone.
Hayden Wyrick